Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Yes. It's a scream from the hell of madness.

The modem broke. It took three days to work that out. Three days without the internet. Three days of madness.

No googling.
No interacting with the world I have come to know here on this internet community.

I was alone. ALONE! Cut off from information sources.
Cut off from everything comfortable. Emails.
Okay so the internet may creep in insipidly, take over my heart and mind, but since it is here:



KV said...

No wonder it was so quiet . . .

Lotsa love,


Zee said...

Oh, I just hate when that happens.
I catch up on my sewing.
Will I ever finish that quilt?
Hmmmm, depends on the consistency of my internet connection, not the hum of my sewing machine.

I'm gonna have to face it, I'm addicted to ... my computer.