Thursday, August 25, 2011

What will they think of next...

Shopped supermarket on the internet. Registration is terrible. Eg. on the address they asked if it's business or residence... a little dot let's them know.

Then later they ask me what the House Nickname is... huh? Zara's little house on the prairie? Lady Penney's Palace?

I had to ring. It kept on getting rejected.

Oh that's simple ma'am. You just say if it's house or residence.

But you already asked me that...

Who am I to question some nerd designer with a ponytail and drives a porche...

So guess what... the bleedin' bloomin' unobvious worked and...

next morning I unpacked my goodies in the luxury of my kitchen without having to bust a gut hawking the stuff up the front steps...

a writer could get used to this.

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